Take input a stream of n integer elements, find the second largest element present. The given elements can contain duplicate elements as well. If only 0 or 1 element is given, the second largest should be INT_MIN ( - 2^31 ).

 Take input a stream of n integer elements, find the second largest element present.

The given elements can contain duplicate elements as well. If only 0 or 1 element is given, the second largest should be INT_MIN ( - 2^31 ).

Input format :

Line 1 : Total number of elements (n)

Line 2 : N elements (separated by space)

Sample Input 1:


 3 9 0 9

Sample Output 1:


Sample Input 2 :


 4 4

Sample Output 2:


Sample Output Explanation:

Since both the elements are equal here, hence second largest element is INT_MIN i.e. ( -2^31 )

Source Code :

Coding Ninjas Solutions
 Take input a stream of n integer elements, find the second largest element present.  The given elements can contain duplicate elements as well. If only 0 or 1 element is given, the second largest should be INT_MIN ( - 2^31 ).


using namespace std;

#include <climits>

int main(){

    int n,i;


    int a[n];

    int first ,second;






         int b=-2147483648;


         return 0;





        if (a[i]>first)






     else if(a[i]>second&&a[i]!=first)






           int b=-2147483648;









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