What is the CurrencyPipe?

What is the CurrencyPipe?

The CurrencyPipe is a built-in Angular pipe that's designed to format numbers as currency values according to specified locales, currency codes, and display rules. It's a convenient tool for ensuring that monetary values are presented in a way that's familiar and readable for users in different regions of the world.

Basic Usage

The most straightforward way to use the CurrencyPipe is like this in your Angular template:

<p>Product Price: {{ price | currency }}</p>
  • price: The numerical value you want to format as currency.
  • currency The pipe's name.

If you don't provide further options, it will use your browser's default locale and currency.

Customization Options

The CurrencyPipe offers several customization options:

  1. Currency Code (USD, EUR, etc.)

    <p>Product Price: {{ price | currency:'GBP' }}</p> ```
  2. Display Format

    • 'code': Display the currency code (e.g., USD, EUR).
    • 'symbol' (default): Display the currency symbol (e.g., $, €).
    • 'symbol-narrow': Display a narrow version of the currency symbol when available.
    • Custom string: Provide your own string for formatting.
    <p>Product Price: {{ price | currency:'USD':'symbol-narrow' }}</p>
  3. Decimal Digits You can control the number of digits after the decimal point using a colon-separated format:

    <p>Product Price: {{ price | currency:'USD':'symbol':'1.2-2' }}</p> 


Let's assume the following in your Angular component:

price = 1234.56;

Here are examples of the output with different CurrencyPipe configurations:

Pipe ExpressionOutput
`{{ pricecurrency }}`
`{{ pricecurrency:'EUR' }}`
`{{ pricecurrency:'JPY':'symbol-narrow':'0.0' }}`
`{{ pricecurrency:'USD':'code' }}`

Important Note: The CurrencyPipe relies on the browser's internationalization (i18n) support. For older browsers, you might need to include polyfills.

What is the CurrencyPipe?
What is the CurrencyPipe?

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